100 things about me
I kinda like the idea of coming up with a hundred things about myself, but I'm a little scared that there aren't that many interesting things about me. But, here goes nothing:
- If I could get away with it, I would use cocaine as a diet drug.
- I love music, especially rock and roll.
- I've been going deaf in my right ear since I was 14.
- Dark Chocolate makes me happy.
- I cannot imagine never learning.
- I've had sex in a Waffle House, a health club, on a beach, and probably many places I can't remember.
- Bodily fluids REALLY gross me out.
- I once got high on the Needle at Astroworld.
- I started getting high when I was 10, and stopped when I turned 21.
- I never finished high school, but I have my masters degree.
- I moved out of my parents house when I was 14 or 15, can't remember now.
- I was in a trailer during Hurricane Alicia in Houston in the early '80's.
- I've had a gun held to my head.
- I saved my father's life when I was 10.
- I've seen 3 dead bodies outside of a funeral home (2 of them where my parents)
- I smoked for 20 years before I quit cold turkey- but gained a lot of weight doing it.
- I watched my mother die. (this is very depressing so far, huh?)
- I could probably perform emergency surgery to save someone's life.
- I think I'm pretty smart (maybe not such a good trait)
- I used to drink Jack Daniel straight.
- I love beer and would drink it all the time except for the fact that it makes you drunk and fat.
- I've never had sex with anyone famous, but could think of a few guys I would like to get my hands on.
- I'm a science teacher, and I think I have the coolest job in the world.
- I hate guns and wish we lived in a world where they did not exist.
- I know a lot of useless information (hence my blog title)
- I'm afraid of sharks.
- I'm a half-breed: born in Massachusetts and raised in Texas.
- I would love to go back to my old stomping grounds and show everyone that I'm not a loser.
- Meeting my husband is the greatest thing to ever happen to me.
- Hubby and I were living together within two weeks of meeting each other.
- My parents met on a Friday night and were engaged on Sunday morning. They were married for 35 years and one day before he died.
- I would love to "upgrade" myself and get an implant into my brain to transmit music.
- I was the reason for one divorce- but I wasn't having an affair with him, his wife used our friendship as an excuse.
- I've been in love with three men in my life.
- I don't like weak women.
- I've thrown away a couch to make more room for books.
- I've read Darwin's Origin of Species, but not the Bible.
- Don't try to argue against evolution with me, I'll just think you're an idiot.
- I've read all of Stephen King's Books.
- I had to take remedial math in college, but ended up with a B in calculus.
- People used to clear the dance floor to watch me dance.
- I really really hate to be laughed at.
- I've been homeless.
- I would like to know more about classical music.
- I am not the least bit graceful.
- I love cheesy jokes.
- If I had to choose 3 albums to bring with me on a deserted island they would be Back in Black, Joshua Tree, and Yes, I Am.
- I could probably have a female lover, but never have.
- I would like to invent something the world couldn't live without.
- I can be very critical of other people.
- Sir David Attenborough is one of my heros.
- I don't do thongs.
- It is very gratifying to me to make other people laugh.
- I've been skinny dipping at Hippy Hollow.
- I like power tools for presents.
- I would like to know how to fly a helicopter.
- I think teenagers would be put on mandatory birth control at puberty.
- I like to be in charge wherever I go.
- I get nervous speaking to adults, but almost never in my classroom.
- I adore college and can't wait to back to get another degree.
- I love spending money, but hate the fact that every thing costs so much.
- I think my husband is smarter than I am.
- I don't want to live in California- that whole Earthquake thing.
- I talk on my cell phone while I drive.
- I once caught my friend's back yard on fire and put it out with a shovel and my shoes.
- My favorite color is green, but I'm also partial to purple.
- I'm good at untangling knots.
- I'm not nosy, I'm just extremely curious.
- I've been in one fight in my life.
- Sam Adams is my favorite beer.
- I would like to visit St. Petersburg in Russia, as well as Rome and parts of Germany.
- I'm sorry I voted for Bush.
- When my oldest child starts college, my youngest will start kindergarten.
- I love Riddick.
- I have hazel-ish eyes, my favorite part of myself.
- I like to BS people to see how much I can get them to believe.
- I'm the shortest child in my family at 5'5", but my mother was 5'2".
- I'm afraid that one day I'll have Alzheimer's.
- I used to think I wouldn't have plastic surgery, what a fool I was.
- I wish I was a more creative writer.
- After 1st child was born I was told I couldn't have any more kids- I have three.
- I think Pedophiles should be executed.
- I believe in a woman's right to choose, but don't think the death penalty is particularly effective.
- I would like to take a minivacation all by myself.
- My favorite car is a 1966 convertible Mustang.
- My favorite shows are Grey's Anatomy, Star Gate, The Soprano's, Deadwood, and Farscape.
- I like to do all the driving.
- I drove around Atlanta for about a year before I ever got on the freeway. And then, someone had to be in the car with me. I would sweat buckets on I285 and I85.
- I am impatient in the car with other drivers- I yell obscenities.
- I cuss- a a lot.
- I sometimes have an irrational fear that I'm going to fall out of my car when it's moving.
- My sister and I were key witnesses in a murder trial when I was 10.
- I have an older brother that I look so much like we could be twins.
- I like to color in coloring books- with colored pencils.
- I don't talk to my blood family very often. I guess I should feel bad about that.
- I love the Blues, but Jazz just irritates me.
- I would like to be a better gardener and grow more of my family's food.
- I wish I had more energy. I have high blood pressure and the meds make me a zombie.
- Several of my friends are bi-polar. What does that say about me?
- When I retire, I want to live on a house boat with the hubs and a couple of cats.
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