Saturday, July 22, 2006

Getting ready to go back to work soon, gotta get Re-Pete enrolled in a dungeon, I mean daycare. She was at a Montessori school- wonderful, wonderul, but the new owners moved the school from the place it has been for the last 25 or so years to a new place 35 miles away from me. Can't make the drive next year, just not enough time in my day.
Been doing a little bonding with Pete, origami is the current fave. She making the transition from little girl to Big Girl, getting her own opinion and everything! It's been nice hanging with her. She still likes to cuddle, too.
My old boss has been promoted to the highest level of his inadequacies, and new blood has been brought in. I really like the new boss: she smart, savvy, funny, and God knows we need more smart women in positions of power. She just makes the rest of us ovarines look good! Gonna be a good year, I can feel it!

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