Wednesday, January 17, 2007


you know, I'd feel better if after I fixed the dryer it actually worked. I replaced the element, but that's not it. I'll bring home an voltmeter tomorrow to check the other thingies it might be. Wish I done that before I'd spent the $60 on the element.

I'm discovering that I'm much more capable than I thought. I can now do some minor appliance repair, feel pretty good about that. I can even do some simple repairs on older model cars, even if I have no desire to.

My new meds are kicking in, and the one I've reduced is working its way out of my system. I feel much more upbeat than I did even two months ago.

Better living through chemistry, indeed.


Elisson said...

Chemistry, shmemistry. I hear you're celebrating another Trip Around the Sun. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

Hope your day is happy!

Anonymous said...

Happy Everything Sweetie Pie!!!!!

Anonymous said...

.. many happy returns on the birthday!...


Libby Spencer said...

A belated Happy Birthday to you Holder and many happy returns.

My hat's off to you for being able to fix stuff. I wouldn't know to look for a dryer element even if I knew what one was. You're my new hero.