Monday, July 30, 2007

And the Music Flows!

Ever get a song in your head? I woke up the other morning with this song in my head. This is one of my all time favorite songs, I have a wonderful memory of listeningto it on a guitar in Cheaha State Park.
I love music, as you probably remember, so it's fitting that I finally learn how to embed some in my site.
I've seen others have music in their posts, but finally asked the bodacious Erica to help me out.
Thank you Erica, I love me some Brooklyn Peeps!


Anonymous said...

... truly, a most excellent tune....


Erica said...

Ayyyyyyyy, nadda problem, yo. Here's some Brooklyn *shmoochies* backatcha.

Floyd...excellent choice. I have many a happy bongwater-induced memory of listening to "Pulse," "Dark Side...," and "Animals" with some of my favorite Brooklyn peeps (who, if I could keep my peepers open, I should be writing a post about later).