Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's in the motion...

I gave my students the following homework today:

On the way home from school today, do the following:

1. Make sure the windows are up in your car/bus.

2. While the car is in motion. lightly toss a wad of paper up in the air directly in front of you.

3. Be prepared to share what happened.

I also told them: Earth moves at a speed of about 67.000 miles per hour. Since you are sitting on Earth, you must also be moving at that same speed. So, I asks, why aren't we feeling a wind of 67,000 miles per hour blowing in our faces?

(and the answer is....... anyone? anyone?)

I love teaching them about motion, some of them just have no concept of it, and I love the moment when it finally hits them.....

Tomorrow is our slow race. They have to get a marble to run along a 2 meter track/ramp and then 1 more meter on the floor in the greatest time possible. My record is a little over one minute.



KurtP said...

Because there is no atmoshpere in space?

Because we're protected by our atmosphere?

Because we have a 67K mph tailwind?

Anonymous said...

you're on the right track....

Mrs. Who said...

'Cause the atmosphere is moving at the same speed along with us?

(Don't throw an eraser at me if I'm wrong...I only teach 2nd grade!)

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Who- you got it! But only one of my students did....

Mrs. Who said...

That's what I'm seeing more and more of these days...kids do not have critical thinking skills. Great eye-hand coordination, great response times, but analyzing? Nope.

Anonymous said...

I'm ready for the slow race, seeing as how I'm slow (I did know the answer to the atmosphere question though).