Friday, September 22, 2006

The Evening

One of the joys of teaching is that I get extra duties. I know, sounds like an oxymoron. But I watched a gate tonight for our homecoming football game. I got to see many of my students that have graduated and moved on. I was at one of the back gates and took in about $2,500. Yes, $2,500. At one gate. In the back. Damn. I said, upon seeing which gate I had, "Oh, we've got it easy, and we get to see the game." Right. Did get to see the half time show (our band ROCKS!) and the last quarter (23-6) Thank You Very Much. And 2 interceptions in the last quarter that were both good for a least a 30 yard sprint TOUCH DOWN!!! YAY! Go Team!
Remember when I said football was still boring? Well, let me change that. Football on TV, when you haven't taught half the kids out there, is boring as shit. This, this football live, in the heat, bugs, screaming in your face? This is cool! Did I tell you Fox 5, a local TV station, came out and filmed my son (ok, plus the other Superfans) for a regular sports spot? Way cool.
Life is good tonight, gentle readers, with a few Corona's to help the groove....



Unknown said...

SOunds fun! I love going to my son's high school games...

KeesKennis said...

Seeing one's spawn from loins or classroom is far more exciting than watching on tv, anytime.

Holder said...

can anyone tell me how to watch old newscasts? I'm trying to find a clip of my son on tv, but can't. Help!

KeesKennis said...

Hi Holder,
I have been here before, but.

Thank you young woman for linking me. I have just gone past 10,000 hits.

Thank YOU.