Monday, July 17, 2006

miracles and such

One of the arguments that the religous nuts have against science is that knowledge takes away some of the wonder of the world. Shit, if anything, knowing exactly how my heart beats (about a teaspoon of blood at a time, using electricity and sodium even) is amazing. Get this- if you put two living heart cells together in a nice warm bath they will start contracting- together. How cool is that? How about the fact that fats have 3 little arms hanging offa them. Your intestines recognize that three armed monster and lets it into your bloodstream to wreak its' adipose havoc. BUT... make that monster a 9 armed creature (Olestra, the "fake" fat) and your body won't digest it, instead it lets it slip and slide right on out the back door (hence the anal leakage we are warned about). Who came up with that? A scientist who said, "okay, I know the relationship between fat and digestion, and the consupmtion of fat and the feel-good factor, so if I can somehow make a fat that makes us feel good, but doesn't make us, um, well, fat, then I'll make a bunch of money!!!" And we were so happy, and we saw that it was good. But, said scientist underestimated0Aunt Bertha, who would sit down and have 3 family sized bags of Lays Baked potato chips and then spent the next three days shatting her brains out! Berty neglected to read the bag before she ate the contents, missed the minscule warning about the butt slippage. The scientists fault? Nay, but you have to ask yourself when was the last time you saw Olestra? Or a little anal leakage of your own?


Anonymous said...

Ah but how much weight did Aunt Bertha lose by shatting her brains out in those 3 days?

Anonymous said...

Wonder if we could market some diet pills this way. "Shit your way to Weight-Loss success"