Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Between computer fuckages, rude students, heat, and late orders, the year got started pretty good. I've got about 150 kids, and only two of them have verbal diarrhea. One of which I fixed yesterday. The other one told me I wouldn't be able to keep him quiet. I assure you this is not the case.
On a happy note, the year is going okay, even with the screw ups. THe AP on my hall is THE MAN. He's kicking ass and taking names. I'm very glad he's here.
We have 30 minutes or so during one class to do Writing Across the Curriculum. I challenged my babies to write the names of all 50 states in alphabetical order from memory. A girl asked me what the "b" states where. I told her-


She said, very puzzled, "Are you kiddng?" Life is so funny sometimes.

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