Things my kids say
Re-Pete said, upon being asked for the third time what she had at lunch at daycare said, "Cookies, crackers, and that's that!"
Today, while I was in the bathroom,and the hubs was busy flipping the fish for dinner, Re-Pete could be heard saying, "Daddy, can you hold my feet up" over and over. So now we're all saying it. You'll have to do it in Helen.
Re-Pete also got mad at me at dinner when I couldn't answer this one- "Tell me something about my other teacher, Mom"
What? What other teacher?
"Tell me something about my other teacher, Mom"
What other teacher?
Tell me something about my other teacher, Mom"
and on and on it went until she finally got pissed off at me.
I give up, some one send me the manual for 3 year old girls.
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