Wednesday, December 13, 2006

They grow 'em big over there..

The boy went to a wrestling match today, and I got to tag along. Those were some big boys, but damn they looked dumb. I don't want to call them redneck, because there is a certain quality to a redneck- they have always got your back, say ma'am and thank you, and they know to take their hat off when they go inside. These boys, they were hick hop. They were trying to be so cool with their baseball caps tilted way back on their heads and to the sides, the brims all curved and raggedy. Pants all scuffed up and holey, and baggy! And vacant stares and dumb grins. Like HeeHaw and and some wanna be rapper got into a jello wrestling match. Those boys handed us our hats most matches, but it's like I told my son, in 5 years when his salary doubles any of theirs, we'll see whose laughing.


Anonymous said...

... the high school where I went?... the wrestling team's shirts said "Rasslin Team"...

... no shit...


Anonymous said...

dying laughing over eric's comment!! hilarious.