Can I ship that?
My nephew R. is in Iraq right now. We've been emailing back and forth a bit. He called me yesterday- I was so excited! I was in the middle of class when my phone rang- I jumped up, told my students to be quit and ran just outside my door. Damn, it was so good talking to him! After making sure he still had all his parts and was unhurt, of course. He says he wants some DVDs and M&Ms. Here's my question- how can I send him M&Ms? Do those things even ship?
I need your help.....
You can ship 'em normally. Just stick a one pound bag in a box and wrap it tight.
Tell him we said thanks.
I wouldn't put it past those stinkin' miserable terrorist warlords to intercept a kid's mail and steal his M&M's before they even get to him.
Please tell him he's doing a fine job, like Big Dick says.
I'm sure you could use some socks and stuff to make sure thos M&Ms don't get too beat up.
Think of what you'd like to have while camping in 100F. weather.
Just a suggestion. . . And add my thanks, too.
100 degree weather...M&Ms in socks. Maybe not...
M&Ms come in plastic bags.
So do socks.
Speaking of the weather, how about some dull colored bandanas too?
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