Monday, July 30, 2007


Got a letter from The Boy/Marine-to-be!!! Woot!

Says he's been really busy and that last week was swim week and he now "hates swimming pools"
He still has his sense of humor, though. He says on the way home he wants to eat at a "Japanese steak house, Waffle house, a regular steak house, and a Chinese Buffet" and he wants a back massage. And he wants to read Harry Potter.
That's my son.

I had written him telling him of a feeling I had, that I felt something was wrong. Now, I know there are unbelievers. But, I bet your not a mother with a son. We have a connection, I'm telling you.
Well, I was right, he had been sick and it started the day I was so worried about him. But all is well.

I feel much better knowing he is fine.
Tank all of you so much that wrote to him. I appreciate you so much, taking time out of your day to drop him a line.

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