Tuesday, August 21, 2007

where work kicks my butt

Spending mucho hours working- in and out of school. Helping 3 other people do their job, plus some stuff that should have already been done. Some of my students are testing their limits, and I'm pretty sure Barney's gonna be an ache in my ass all year. Yay, me.

In other news, Re-Pete is learning about order, so for the last few nights she's taken many things: paint pots, paper, books, markers, etc and lining them up across the couches and floor. She'll randomly pick up stuff around the house and say, "The teacher needs that." And away it goes. I think she's part magpie, part klepto.

We go to see the Boy/Man graduate from Basic in less than a month. I'm so excited. All his teachers want to see him. If you're there, I'll be the one with Puffy-Chest Syndrome and leaky eyes...

Time for bed.


Anonymous said...

.. watching him graduate is going to be an awesome experience for you guys... AND him....


SuperGurl said...

congrats and hang in there. you are loved much out here in the sphere.

good luck

Erica said...

That's muy, muy excellente, senora Holder. Sending lots of never met you hugs your way. American heroes freaking rock -- cool that your boy is one of 'em.