Sunday, November 18, 2007

Megan Meier

I'm not a proponent of My Space. I think there's entirely too much that can go wrong. You put a bunch of people in a room face to face, generally speaking, some of them will be asses, but they won't say too many terrible things to each other. It's much harder to look someone in the eye and say something cruel to them. But, put those people on the phone together and the situation becomes a lot less personal. People say things on the phone they would never dream of saying on the phone. For instance, when I was 18 (a few weeks ago. No, really!) a guy called my house in the middle of the afternoon, my middle of the night, only to realize he has woken me up. It's a wrong number, but instead of saying "oops, sorry" he says "So what are you wearing?" Creep.
Any way, back to the point.
Communicating on the Internet is so impersonal that people will do really nasty things to each other, say terrible things to and about each other. My girls will never have a My Space account.

Look at this . A lot went wrong there, but basically a mother wanted to know what another girl was saying about her daughter. So she created a My Space account, as a teenage boy, and flirted with this girl, then "broke it off" with her saying she was mean.

There are so many things wrong here. I'm sure I don't know all the parts to this story, but it sounds like there is a lot more to it. And the Foosball table? That would have just been the beginning of it for me if I'd found out that some woman, a friend of mine, had created such a terrible situation in my life.

1 comment:

Erica said...

The parents, and other peeps, behind the party that created the fictitious Josh Evans need to have the f**king shit kicked out of them, and spare them only within a nosehair of their lives.

I read that story about a week or so ago and it disgusted and horrified me that grown adults could be so awful to an impressionable, sensitive, overweight teenager.

Seriously, I'd love to kick the dogshit out of them myself.