Monday, February 25, 2008

Saw a post over at Og's about moving. That got reminiscing about my college days. I was already married (to the best man around) and had our son. He was 2 or 3. I would get him from daycare after class and bring him home. We would sit in his room while I studied. This boy loved Legos. I would read whatever I was studying- history, math, physics0-out loud- while putting Legos together with one hand. Once he was tired of me reading he would sit on my book... Good times, there.
Anyway, I had a friend, "Diana" who was very, very smart. She was21 and getting her Master's degree in Psychology already. She could talk about so many different things. But she would get lost driving from my house to hers. It was 2 miles. She asked me to help her move to a new place. So I showed up a the appointed time. She had a box of trash bags and nothing packed. We moved her in our two cars. In the rain, while her driveway flooded.
Not a red-banner moment.

Not so good times, there.

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