Saturday, March 15, 2008

It's the Season...

Woke up this morning to discover we'd had some pretty nasty storms about 50 miles from here, with tornadoes that caused considerable damage. Good thing it wasn't around here. I slept so soundly I may not have heard the ruckus.

It's that time of year again.

Not to self: get some water and comfy places to sit in the basement ASAP, plus some batteries and a radio. And a flashlight. And candy, maybe a pack of smokes for the hubby. And beer for me, and coloring books and crayons, a bucket ("Better get a Bucket!!!) Can't think the word bucket without images of Monty Python in my head...


Anonymous said...

yikes, i hope you don't need a bucket.

Mrs. Who said...

At least you have a basement to put your bucket we just have to jump in the tub and hope we remembered to have on clean underwear.