Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Dr. Long

I started college in the fall of 1991, when my son was 18 months old. I knew if I wanted his childhood to be different from mine I  would have to get a college degree. There were a lot of bumps on that road, some of which I put there myself. But I made it. There were several key players at my college that helped me and mine along the way. There was a history professor that gave my husband $50 to buy our son presents one Christmas. Then there was Dr. Long. I was taking my first of 4 calculus classes, and my first geology class. I was a physics major, so I was in for a lot of calculus. Two things happened that semester. I fell in love with geology and discovered I hated calculus.  Dr. Long was my physical geology instructor. And it was as if I had been given a key to a code I didn't even know was missing! Suddenly, so many things made sense. It was a natural thing, as natural as breathing, to change my major to Earth Science. He inspired me with his love of the subject to love it myself. He was, in part, responsible for making me the teacher I am today.

Sadly, Dr. Long passed away a few days ago. I will miss him and his easy grace.

1 comment:

Omnibabe said...

God bless Dr. Long!