Monday, March 28, 2011

Raising Hell

It occurred to me on the way home from work. I was listening to my oldest talk about her day. I love that girl, I fought hard to get pregnant, I fought hard to get her into the world, and she fought hard to stay here. She is an amazing person. A heart as big as Georgia, and a drawl to match. She always takes the side of the underdog, and stands up for what she believes in. She makes me proud to be her mother.
But....that girl can talk the ears off a brass monkey. This is what I heard:
" and then i said....blah.....SOOOOO FUNNY.... and he was all like..... AND I FELL OVER .....she had on green....he so smart.....she is funny, but a little special....I don't like it when she teases my friend... I told her to SHUT UP before I made her....I don't like that teacher.....he's stupid....she laughs with her mouth wide open at lunch....

And it hit me, I am a parent. I drive kids to and fro....I have a great job that makes me very happy...

but I really need to raise a little Hell, maybe get a tattoo....good thing I am going away with my husband to Key West in a few days...


JT said...

I know that exact feeling. It hit me at 2 am on Saturday night/Sunday morning, waiting on my daughter and her friends to finish their after-prom IHOP meal. I was falling asleep in the booth, remembering how easy it used to be to stay up all night.

I have mom clothes, a mom SUV and know every word of every Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift song. Raise some hell in Key West for me, I have to wait for Bandera.

Holder said...

I hope we have BS11. I am definitely planning on a trip there

Anonymous said...

.... hah!.... you're a great Momma, ma'am.... you guys have fun in Key West!...


JT said...

Even if the ranch isn't available, I am up to planning something.